Jun 14, 2007

Summer Vacation Roadtrip!

Hi folks! Glen Mullaly here again, this time celebrating the summer vacation roadtrip with this text-free, slightly cropped alternate version of the cover for the July issue of Kayak, a kid's history mag that I do the covers for.
I ended up spending waaaay more time on this than the small budget called for and produced three versions - the aged 2-colour version you see above, a clean, un-aged 2-colour and eventually a full colour at the request of the client. The A.D. didn't know I was doing a 2-colour so I totally understood his concerns. This aged version didn't really suit the tone of the feature anyway... but as a stand-alone I really dig it, so I'm foisting it on you. Grab a road map and pile on board!


DavidSniderDesignStudio said...

Great feel to it...very nice!

Unknown said...

love that style! very inspiring! fab!

Glen Mullaly said...

Thanks guys!

Anonymous said...

That beaver seems particularly eager. . . good stuff!

Unknown said...

Hey, looks great! I love the aged version, but I agree--it wouldn't have worked as well with the modern masthead and other type elements anyway.