May 1, 2006

Illustration Friday: Under the Sea

A few windup fish out for a (short) swim. -benben


** said...

great fishes... but i also like the effect that you gave with the juxtapose of the foreground and back and the blur. intentional or not.. it looks good! :)

btw, great icon!!!! so glad that worked out for you. now, my question is, howd you get it animated? just make an animated gif and use that instead of a jpg?


justin cash

benben said...

justin-Thanks! The blur is created when I photograph the sketch. I've been photographing my sketches instead of scanning them as it tends to create more interesting compositions. Thanks for looking.

Willie Baronet said...

Great idea. Would love to see a bunch of wind up fish in the tub. :-)

kidz illustrator said...

Great line work! Love how it loses focus, looks more like water.