Sep 30, 2012

Dragon Slayer

The Dragon Slayer, Acrylic on illustration board.
I haven't really done a lot of fantacy illustrations, probably 4-5 in the last 15 years. It was really fun to do, so this will hopefully not be the last one.

Sep 27, 2012

The Baby Relay Race

If you have kids you probably know the feeling of constantly having to plan your day down to the smallest detail. A lot of children's families in Denmark are living a life to a very tight schedule.

Editorial illusration. Watercolours and coloured pencils on Cold pressed paper.

Sep 21, 2012

Stupid Things I Did As A Kid ...

I'm sick with the flu again. That's the third time in two months! So I did an illustration - I had to get out of bed and do something. While I was laying in bed, feeling sorry for myself, I began thinking about all the things I must have done in my past to make me so sick right now (I don't believe in karma, my brain was just high on antibiotics). And then I thought about my childhood and all the stupid stuff I did as a kid. And then it dawned on me -- why not illustrate those moments?

Sep 12, 2012

nerosunero revisited by Adam Cooke


"Our view ..."
An exhibition of works from the the Waterford Municipal Art Collection
with interpretations by children from the Waterford Youth Arts Saturday Art Club.
13 September - 13 October 2012
Greyfriars Municipal Art Gallery,
Greyfriars Street

more info at
facebook/Greyfriars Municipal Art Gallery

Sep 11, 2012

Book Events Invitation!

Treehouse Heroes is being printed right now.  The book will be released in October.  We will be having a series of book event to celebrate the book launch.  I will constantly up-dating my web-site with all the up-coming book events.  Below is the latest listing of the up-coming events.  I will post more detail about each event, as the date get closer.

10/13-14 The Treehouse Heroes: Alternative Press Expo, San Francisco Concourse, CA, 10 am.

10/28 The Treehouse Heroes: The Reading Bug, San Carlos, CA

11/10 The Treehouse Heroes: Book Passage, Corte Madera, CA, 11 am

11/15 The Treehouse Heroes: Novato Public Library, CA

11/17 The Treehouse Heroes: Books Inc., 2251 Chestnut Street, San Francisco, CA, 11 am

Sep 10, 2012

Cinderella of the Upper East Side - Part 1

New illustration imagining what it would be like if Cinderella were a maid in Manhattan's Upper East Side. (

Sep 9, 2012

words are funny things

i have always found it interesting discovering the origins of words, when i was in highschool, i took french, i think that was the first time i really thought about the evolution of langauge. words, their roots, and their meanings.

the other night, while cleaning out the dvr i decided that re-watching the recorded episodes of raising hope from last season. as usual, at some point i forget that the episodes are recorded and wind up watching the commercials until i realized that i am an idiot and hit the skip button on the remote.

that night i heard a word that ive been hearing throw around a lot lately, adorkable.

my initial thought was: "yeah i get it, its a cute indie girl, the social or fashionally challenged misfit, that awkward beauty that i have historically found myself drawn to."

followed almost immeaditly by: "isnt one of the meaning for dork to... well, ill just say, have carnal relations?"

i looked it up later that night to be sure and confirmed that, among the many definations the term has amassed over the years, my second thought was not the product of some bad sector in my brain left over from my years of trying to render it useless with booze.

so yeah, as far as im concerned, either meaning works well.

Sep 4, 2012

Third Runway Debate

Gemma Robinson has just updated her website with some of her latest illustrations, including this image about the ongoing debate over a third runway at Heathrow Airport. Her work can also be seen this October at Somerset House in London, as part of the AOI's Images 36 exhibition.