Mar 24, 2013

Coffee Drinking

Good morning. This is for all us coffee drinkers out there.

Mar 23, 2013

nerosunero @ funCast, Korea

nerosunero @ (23 III 2013, Korea)

이탈리아 일러스트레이터 마리오 수기 Mario Sughi.
현재 더블린에서 생활하고 있으며 "nerosunero" 라는 이름으로도 활동하고 있다.

그의 주제는 낯익고 평범하고 조용하고 나른한 일상에서
그로테스크한 공허함을 포착하는 것이다.
다소 밋밋할 수 있을 주제지만, 어떤 사건이 막 일어나기 직전에 형성되는
드라마틱한 모멘트가 긴장을 유발함으로써 극복하고 있다.

Mar 16, 2013

Imaginary treasure map

Schatzkarte von Diana Koehne
Jottkah and I have a collaboration going on that we named "Samstag ist Badetag"*. Basically it goes like this: Each saturday we take turns making things letting ourselves get inspired by what the other did the saturday before.
The main reason behind this project is to stretch our minds and keep doing creative stuff just for the fun of it. And it definitely is a lot of fun although sometimes it takes really long to come up with a thought and since we don't have a joker that allows us to skip one saturday it can become kind of stressful every once in a while. However we have a whole week to recover from that stress and to look forward to what the other one will come up with next.

*Translated literally it would be something like "Saturday is bathing day".

Mar 14, 2013

Illustration of Aaron Swartz

I recently illustrated this portrait of Aaron Swartz for The Uniter. Aaron took his own life on January 11, 2013 at the age of 26. He was a freedom of information activist who accomplished a fair bit in his short time on earth. Read the article here:

Mar 10, 2013

Mar 7, 2013

DVD Cover Designs - Blade Runner & Casablanca

So it's been a HELL of a long time since I last posted anything and there have been quite a few changes in my life. Most notably I am back in school taking a three year Graphic Design program. I'll post more later but here are my two latest works - DVD redesigns for Blade Runner and Casablanca. The assignment was to create an entirely new cover for a randomly assigned film in a style of our choosing. I got ambitious and decided to make two! For Blade Runner I went with a 1950's pulp novel look, and for Casablanca I went with an early 1960's pop art look. Hope ya digs! Comments and constructive criticisms welcome.

OH! Additionally, my blog address has changed (to):

nerosunero at Affordable Art Fair Milan

6/7/8/9/10 March 2013
Affordable Art Fair
Superstudio Più, via Tortona 27,
Yvonne Arte Contemporanea

In the picture one of my works with Yvonne Arte Contemporanea at the Art Fair:
nerosunero Glass, Digital Print, 2013, Limit Ed of 3, 80x150cm

See also Nerosunero at
AAF Hamburg, Nov. 2012
AAF Rome, Sept. 2012