Coffee People wanted to reflect the lifestyle of their pacific northwest customers through the artwork created for their annual travel mugs.
The challenge with a project like this is taking a laundry list of localized lifestyle topics and finding a unique, simple and fun way to create a design that will work in a pre-existing format and print technology.
The final design captures the spirit of Oregonians and our passion for a good cup of joe.
It's fun brewing up a pot of piping hot double shot ideas for clients.
Kinda reminds me of that 'Almost Famous Band' piece I saw'r in Communication Arts. I'm so late to the game; I was looking in that old Illustration Annual in the fall and saw your work there. Supoib.
very Shag-inspired. But original, as well. nice.
Love the Jim Flora style that lives in this one...really nice color choise!
ahhh! I like a good cup of silhouette in the morning! Sweetness!
Wonderful piece!
Hey, Von, I finally visited your site (briefly, I'll be back) and it's a gem! I love the design and colors and the sense of fun throughout. The moving car Flash animation is so simple, yet so delightful. First rate stuff!
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