These are the first and second drafts of my page for the updated edition of Panda Meat, a sourcebook of sorts curated by Frank Kozik. The second version came after my man Bobby Dixon gave me some good color advice. While I'm very happy with this (and that's saying something. I'm my own worst critic), it has been pointed out to me that this effort might be too much like an advertisement, which is the opposite of what this sourcebook is about. If someone digs it, they'll go to the index to find out who you are. And I agree. I'm going back to the drawing board, because we've been given an extension. My goal is to come up with something that's gonna knock your socks off AND mine. Wish me luck.
Oh yeah, the pose is inspired by Shawn Kerri's "Skankin' Kid".
Very coooool illos!! AWESOME design!
Panda Meat IS a sourcebook. Therefore you should treat it as such and leave your contact info on your page as you have it.
As far as someone going to the index to find out who you are, etc.... that is a lot of bunk. If your info is on your page, and an A.D. is flipping through the book and sees something they like, they are gonna hop on the internet a LOT faster if that info is in front of them, than if they have to thumb through multiple artists to find you. Artists that you could lose a job to.
You're paying GOOD money to be in this book. Why...?
Exposure, right?
You want folks to see your work and possibly hire you to work for them, correct?
That's advertising. You are advertising your services.
If you wanted to be part of a "feel goody-good, doing art for the sake of art, and screw the man" type of community art book, then I'm sure you could find one to be in. Like the Bongout crew, etc.... They don't charge to be in their books, and they look amazing.
Panda Meat is not that sort of book.
Thanks, Alina. :D
I see your point, Rob. I was (and still am) a little confused about the focus of the book. Some say it's an artsy-sourcebook and some figure it's a sourcebook with folks that don't usually appear in one. I still have a month to decide whether this is the way I wanna go. I dunno.
I'm still happy with it.
I think what you have looks fine.
The focus of the Panda Meat book is exposure. Be that for Frank, the folks who paid to be in it or whatever...
Everybody gave me such crap on GP when I said I was going to put my site address on my page. Notice how many folks added their OWN addresses after I made my point?
I say you just do what you think looks good and screw what everybody else says.
Even me......
I like the top color scheme best! Excellent work!
Cool. :D
I appreciate the input, dude.
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