Feb 6, 2006

Socks Make The Man

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A short while back when Ward dropped one of his past Illustration Friday submissions, it got me thinking, what's been my favourite I-F submission to date? And lo, it's this fella ... drawn for their June 2005 black-and-white theme.
The sport-sock-and-three-piece-suit-wearin' fashion victim is the inspiration behind this piece, built from an original sketch, simplified in FreeHand and dressed up in Photoshop with a background of scanned stock reports. It was also inspired some by fellow SFG! member Keith Bowman's illustration style.


Allan Lorde said...

I always dug that one. My fianceé always gives me shit for wearing white sock with black shoes.

Unknown said...

nice ill. and design.

Unknown said...

fun design!! Love the concept and style!

Alexandra Baptista said...

and the head?
Good work