Apr 18, 2006

Elwood's New Postcard

A preview peek at my newest promo card


Jeff Andrews said...

Love it Elwood, though your character resembles me more than it does you. ;)

Elwood H. Smith said...

Thanks, Jeff. No, it's me, but I'm wearing your hair!

Unknown said...

fun lovely illo!

Jeff Andrews said...

Yeah, and my tie! ;)

Doug said...

Elwood! I have been a fan of yours for years... nice work! Just found this blog. It'll be bookmarked for sure!

Jeope said...

Hey, the same thing happens when I hit "E" and "S" on my keyboard. Small world!

Wizzo, Mr. Smith. That made me smile.

meg said...

great little illo! i love the color palette!

Elwood H. Smith said...

Thanks everybody!

The color on this one was not my usual watercolor washes. It was created by Maggie Pickard (my wife, rep, business guru and in-house designer). She scanned my black and white art (inked-in with my trusty Pelikan 120 on 70 lb. Arches Watercolor paper) and somehow got a rich, black line, but mangaged to capture the watercolor paper's texture. She then added those tasty colors in Photoshop.

Now if she can remember what she did on this one.


Dan Santat said...

Very nice man, I've been a fan of your work for a while now.

Jared Chapman said...

Elwood, sheesh! This is fantastic! I've been a big fan of your work for quite sometime now... this piece is a prime example of why. Fantastic!

Kactiguy said...

I love seeing your work. What a treat. I actually visited your studio years ago and I've been a fan ever since. Keep posting.