Apr 17, 2006

there are worse things to be

Started a series of drawings about human oddities/freakshows this weekend; this is one of them. There are three more up on my website in addition to all the newer work I've done! Been real busy, but I thought I'd share.


Dean Trippe said...


Elwood H. Smith said...

That drawing is so beautiful! Graceful, lyrical and the colors knock me out. A great piece.


Jeff Andrews said...

I agree with Elwood, you ROCK Meg!

Dan Santat said...

this is awesome Meg!

Vonster said...

Meg, that is Megga cool!

Jared Chapman said...

This could be my favorite drawing ever posted to Sugar Frosted Goodness. Fantastic!

Urban Barbarian said...

YikeS! This is awesome!