May 12, 2006

Guardian Angel of Doodlers

Often referred to as 'St.Doodle'. This angelic creature is often wrongly labeled as a nefarious bi product of poor attention skills. Nothing could be further from the truth. In actuality this benevolent overseer watches over sketchers, scribblers, garden variety scawlers and any pee-chee loving doodlers with a penchant to draw on a whim.

PS: Played around with textures on this doodle.


Todd DeWolf said...


PUFFY P said...

are the textures created in illustrator or photoshop? maybe ill email u offline abt that. it looks great

Vonster said...


Email me and I'll give you a couple step by steps that walk you through it and gives you everthing you'd need to de-construct it and see how it was pulled off.