Jul 2, 2006

Sketch Crawl X: San Francisco Landmarks

Paintings I did this weekend with a group called Sketchcrawl:

Grace Cathedral


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Gabrielle said...

Lovely lines, colours and rhythms! Just gorgeous.

Jeope said...

These are great! I thought they were Alina's for a moment. Very delicate.

Vern Mercado said...

thank jeope. that was quite a compliment. alina has been quite an inspiration to my artwork.

Unknown said...

These are indeed gorgous beautiful drawings, Vern!! One thing I love about blogging is, the internet provides a wonderful space for artists to share artworks. I often get very inspired by all you talented people's artworks!! :)

Thank you Vern for your support to my works, it's flatterring to receive recognition from fellow artists like yourself and Jeope. :)

Ward Jenkins said...

Excellent sketches, Vern. I love the use of color, as well. Wish I could hang with you guys at the SF Sketchcrawl. If we did one in Atlanta, a total of about 2 would probably show up.