Sep 1, 2006

heroes and villains...

I was asked recently by Josh Cole if I could donate a t-shirt design to the 70*7 website. The mission at 70*7 is to see the world positively impacted by giving to charities and our individual communities using creativity as the platform. I was more than happy to help.

There's heroes and villains in this world. Which side will YOU be on?

Profits go to help Invisible Children

Thousands of children flee their homes nightly in order to escape being abducted. Children in Uganda are regularly abducted by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) to be trained as child soldiers. The LRA is led by Joseph Kony, who proclaims himself a spirit medium, and apparently wishes to establish a state based on his unique interpretation of Biblical millenarianism. The LRA have been accused of widespread human rights violations, including mutilation, torture, rape, the abduction of civilians, the use of child soldiers and a number of massacres. The children who run from their homes walk miles to find shelter in hospitals or bus parks - virtually anywhere far away from rebel camps.

Please help and buy if you can at:



Unknown said...


Mirtika said...

It's black and red. What's not to like. :)

I passed the good word on the good design. Thanks, Rob.
