Mar 23, 2007

Don't Turn Around!

Had a little free time early this morning...this was kinda fun! I've submitted this design to Threadless too, so I'll let you know if it's chosen.



doggydoodle said...

that's funny! very cool and well balanced!

Chrissie A said...

Oh, that is so cute...I love his googly eyes! :)

Choper Nawers! said...

nice job jeff...very simple but at the same timeso fresh!

jim bradshaw said...

Yeah, Jeff. Very fresh indeed. Good luck with your tees.

milo said...

jeff! this is my favorite yet! i love this :)

Paul Conrad said...

I agree...I think I like this one the best of all you've done so far. Have they deemed it worthy over at threadless?

James Elston said...

der kommisar's in town!
oh ah owww...

very cool illo.