Mar 20, 2007

Lost And Found

I put up my website last march. Before that if you googled my name nothing came up. Now when you google Tommy Kane, 25 pages of stuff comes up. In other words I'm easy to find now. The other thing that happens is I get a lot of e-mail asking if I'm the Tommy Kane that lived in new hyde park and like listening to the Beatles. Or am I the Tommy Kane from Boston who who was a great wiffle ball player. I hate disappointing people. My name must be more common than I think. I like the fact that people are out there searching for old friends. Wondering what happened to them. I must admit I do it myself. I've found several people from my past who are very dear to me. I'm always wondering who will find me next.
There is a cool interview of me at The Little Chimp Society. Check it out here. I want to thank "The Ape", Darren. He's a groovy guy. It's also mentioned on IllustrationMundo.

1 comment:

Mike Cressy said...

Your likenesses are dead on! Great style!