Oct 21, 2007

Not Blue, But New!

Here's a painting I just finished for a gallery show in New Jersey. It's called "First Flight." You can do it little bug monster, yooooou can dooooo it! *flap flap flap flap flap*


jim bradshaw said...

This is so cool to see this all finished. When looking at the sketchbook, I had no idea it would turn out this way. I like the color a lot. How big it it?

Adam Levine said...

Thanks Jim, yeah I'm happy with the colors. It's about 20x22 or so. It's much bigger than I normally work but I think I'd like to do more of these. Once it was working I had a lot of fun.

Kate Garchinsky said...

Nice texture in the BG, and I love his little legs. I hope you've submitted it for i-friday's Monster Mash.

C. A. Silbach said...

Very good! I like the colors and the look of the monster a lot!