Dec 15, 2007

Birds of a feather...

So how do you illustrate the concept of love? How about a triptych…set in a winter’s field…with a wee little bird and her puppet boy?

Prints available at

Happy Holidays from Mutt Ink


Nick Ramos said...
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Nick Ramos said...
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Nick Ramos said...

I love these, but the last one (where the little bird is holding him) is my favorite... nice style and beautiful collors!

Unknown said...

lovely. so good. and the link to is a nice bonus. thanks.

Stuart Wade said...

cool series! love the background and over all simplicity

nadja said...

I really like the mood of these!

milo said...

oooh these are wonderful! really well done!

jim bradshaw said...

This stuff is great. You guys have it going on. I love the feel of these.