Aug 5, 2008

10 Dollaritos Bill

Today I'm launching a new section at my web site... On the right column, right bellow the Blog headline, you will find the PRINT AND PLAY section! Some weeks ago, I did a little drawing of a fictitious money called "Dollaritos". I printed and used as a book marker for some of the books I'm reading. So I thought "Why not to share it with others as well?"

So there is it! Go to and click on the button "Download PDF", follow the instructions and put your hands on a real dollaritos bill. It´s free! You can play with it, keep it as an luck charm or as a nice book marker...

And if you manage to pay your lunch with a 10 dollaritos bill,let me know...

Carlos Araujo


Jason said...

awesome - what would the exchange rate be for South African Rand per Dollarito?

nadja said...

I think that from now bills should look fun like this one. I really like the design!

C. A. Silbach said...

Thank you guys for the comments! I'm glad you like it :)