Nov 7, 2008

Return To Portrait Party

There is a great website which most of you know about. It is The Portrait Party. It's run by my friend Rama Hughes. A long time ago Rama contacted me and asked if we could swap portraits. I agreed and a website grew out of the idea. Anyway, I love the site so much I thought it would be fun if I drew Rama again. So I contacted him. He loved the idea of us drawing one another again. Here are my sketches of Rama. The first one I did just didn't look like him. I misfired. So I did a second one which is much better. I thought it would be fun to share my mistake. It's good to know that even skilled artists screw up once in a while.
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1 comment:

Michele Melcher Illustration said...

Tommy, thanks for the tip on the Portrait Party site. I didn't know about it because I kind of live in a cave.
;) Will check it out now!