Jan 12, 2009

SFG: Cardboard

The SFG Challenge is back! And, back to a weekly format...I'm personally challenging each and every one of you to participate weekly!

Be sure to label your illustrations with the appropriate labels
Label your entries with your name and the challenge label, in this case SFG: Cardboard.

The next challenge begins Monday, January 19th, 2009.

The SFG Challenge was created to challenge every member to stretch their creative muscles, venture outside of their artistic boundaries and post their interpretations each week on a specific theme. This is a completely voluntary challenge, but you are enthusiastically encouraged to participate!

If you are interested in taking advantage of SFG's site traffic and advertising opportunities here and on Design Inspiration, e-mail me.



Daisy Church said...

quick question- is mon the 19th when we can start posting our interpretations of the cardboard theme, or when the next theme is announced?

Jeff Andrews said...

Daisy, the challenge begins when I post it to SFG. The sentence above regarding the "Next Challenge" is just letting you know that the challenge is a week long and ends on the 19th. Hope that clears it up! :)