Jun 5, 2009

SFG Blank Book: Update!


Have you visited the SFG Blank Book Site lately? If you're not familiar, a little over a year ago a blank sketch book in an emblazoned wooden box left the Washington DC area bound for the world!

For approximately 500 days, the sketchbook was to travel from Washington DC to 50 illustrators around the world. Once the book arrives, each illustrator has 7 days to complete a sketch and send the book on to the next illustrator.

It's been an exciting journey, one chronicled with snippets from each illustrator, teaser shots of their finished work, geo-pics and a trip map following the book's progression.

To say that the journey has been all wine and roses would be false, the book has encountered perilous delays and hitches in it's schedule, it even got lost a few times. We've had to patch a few holes and make a few repairs but the book is currently back on track, and is about halfway through it's adventure.

I urge you all to go check out the site, see where the book has been and come back often for updates. If you're one of the remaining illustrators still looking forward to the book coming to your house, be sure to read and memorize the list of guidelines and requirements.

Go forth little blank book....live the adventure!

SFG Blank Book Project

1 comment:

milo said...

yah, the site update looks great.. and i can't wait for the book to arrive!!!!