Feb 9, 2006

more cars

So I've been doing a bunch of car illustrations these days. This is a small one for the New York Times Magazine; article on NASCAR safety regulations. Since Dale Earnhardt passed away a few years ago NASCAR has implemented a bunch of new regulations and safety equipment have resulted in zero deaths since. The article goes on to compare driving in everyday traffic as being the leading cause of deaths in America. Something around the figure of 40,000 Americans die in traffic related deaths each year. Which poses the question of "what would happen if we could all wear the same safety features as NASCAR drivers?"

I kind of struggled with the color on this one and actually sent the art director a couple of choices...which I never do. In the end I opted for this warm, slightly sickly pallette.


Jeope said...

Flippin' sweet. I love this linework to death.

Unknown said...


Urban Barbarian said...

You're too good. I must insist you stop posting to this blog! ;)

On a serious note: WOW!

Alex said...

very good work, I like it!

josh said...

thanks! for the nice comments

Anonymous said...

Looks really good. I love how you color your stuff, and how expressive your lines are...
is it ink and then photoshop?