Feb 9, 2006

Pirate game!

- Alina -


Courtney Pippin-Mathur said...

The mix of textures/patterns/media on this is great.The characters look very devloped with lovely details. Digital?

Unknown said...

Thank you Courtney,
It's draw on paper, and digitally composited.

Martin Wittig said...

Yeaaaaaahhh pirates! these guys look really good! A very appealing piece.

Vonster said...


That rocks! Three Thumbs Up!

Urban Barbarian said...

Really nicely done! Very charming! What was the art for? I like the newspaper intergrated into the art. I'm sure that ties into the overall concept, so I'm curious as to what sort of media this was created for.

Paige Keiser said...

This is just fantastic Alina. Genuinely child-like.

Unknown said...

Thank you everyone!

Thank you for your nice comment. This piece is just for fun - just enjoy playing and experimenting with different media and styles.

Unknown said...

PS. The complete story of this illo is posted on my blog. If interested please visit there. :)