Mar 24, 2007

Advertising Character Update

He started out cuter but after blackening aound the eyes and adding the eyebrows... well, the giggles went south. Maybe it was being poked too many times or maybe he was just having a lumpy dough day.
jim's blog


Jeff Andrews said...

Ahahaha...that's GREAT! Now that's what I'm talkin' about people!

More! More! More!

Meghan said...

Wonderfully disturbing! I love it -- quite a different take on the little ball of dough.

Chrissie A said...

Oh, this is terrific! Hehehe...that doughboy always kinda creeped me out; now I know why--he really was creepy!!

Great job!

Lilly said...

Underneath the surfaces of all those cheery advertising characters lurks the hearts of the capitalist dogs.

Some of my best work comes out of "mistakes." Very cool.

Jannie aka Chickengirl said...

haha I used to be obsessed with the pillsbury dough boy...I love the evil twist. Its understandable he'll get a bit irritated sooner or later...