Mar 21, 2007


My Son's birthday is coming up, and we are having his party at a bowling alley...AND he would like it to be Godzilla themed. :) So, I made this invite to send out to his friends.

Now, as far as I know...this is the only Godzilla bowling themed birthday invitation around.
If you find sure and let me know. In the meantime, If you like this, and want to use it yourself, I made a blank version that you can print out over at my blog.

  • Paul C.

  • Next up, I'm going to try and make some table stands, etc... to help theme out the party!


    Jeff Andrews said...

    Paul that is freakin' insanely awesome! I wish I had kids already so I could force them to have a Bowl-zilla! I'll just have to save it! :)

    I love your Trog Hammer comic on your blog too man, you have GOT to post it here on SFG!!!


    Chad Geran said...

    Ha ha...this is pretty awesome dude!

    Your illustration, type, colours are so sweet! The imitated print totally nails it!

    Paul Conrad said...

    jeff-thanks should be a good time for all!

    I thought i'd posted T.H. here...will do.

    chad-yeah, in my head, I was mashing old candy wrappers, fire cracker packaging, Godzilla stuff and Mexican Wrestling posters together...
    Not sure that I pulled all those off....
    but glad you like it!
    Thank you!