Mar 21, 2007

COOL Sandwich Makin SWAG!

Hey folks,
I got my handy dandy SFG prize the other day...for havin my name pulled out of a hat no less!
The prize in question is none other than a copy of Mike Maihack's new Cow and Buffalo book:
"Adventures in Sandwich Making". It's a hoot and a half!...Dinosaurs, flying cars...and the answer to the age old question;
Which came first the Chicken or the Egg? And don't ask, cause I'm not tellin!

RUN, I say again, RUN, don't walk to get your own copy

  • Here

  • Thanks Mike for making such a cool book and thanks SFG for such COOL SWAG!
    (Now if I can just get it back from my kids!)

    1 comment:

    jim bradshaw said...

    Lucky Paul. I always love your art Paul. I got this book and yes, it's worth running for it.