Mar 23, 2007

Just Do It

Most of the time I start a drawing I have no clue of how it will turn out. Take the bird for instance. I was sitting at my office desk with a little free time. I found a picture of a bird I wanted to draw. So I just started drawing the sucker. Halfway through I had to go to a meeting. There was a magazine on the conference room table. As people were talking I thumbed through the magazine and saw all these fancy ads. To kill time I started drawing all the logos. Then I found a photo of a model wearing a crown, so I drew the crown floating above the bird. No real reason, I just liked the composition. At the end I put in some dumb words and added the diamonds. I really like the finished product. The drawing happened by not thinking, just doing. I made things happen because I was impatient to finish. So my stupid advice is, just start doing it and something will happen.


Unknown said...

The smeared lipstick makes it, I love it!

jim bradshaw said...

Thanks for sharing your creative thought process. I like how it all evolved.

Jago said...

This is so true, I often find that if I try and think about what I'm going to draw I don't draw anything. It's much better just to force yourself to draw something and it usually turns into something good.