Mar 22, 2007

SFG: Advertising Character Update

This week's theme: Advertising Character Update

This week I challenge you to update one of your favorite iconic advertising characters and present him or her on SFG. Tony the Tiger, Mr. Bubble, The Jolly Green Giant or Wendy from the Wendy's Restaurant chain. Whoever you choose to update, post your illustrations based on the theme here on SFG within the next week. This'll be a good one! I'm excited to see what you all come up with. For inspiration there is a great book on the shelves called 'Meet Mr. Product.'
Or, for further inspiration check out fellow SFG'er, Dan Goodsell's site, The Imaginary World and click on the Tick Tock Toys link. There you'll find a virtual treasure trove of ephemera to get those creative juices flowing. Even before I knew Dan and he became an SFG member, this site was one of my favorites. It's great!

Be sure to label your illustrations with the appropriate labels as well.
I prefer you label your entries with your name or screenname, and the challenge label, SFG: Advertising character Update.

By the way, I'm always looking for new and creative ideas for these challenges folks, so keep your ideas and suggestions coming in..

Remember, this is a completely voluntary challenge designed solely to stimulate creativity and promote participation. Please don't hesitate to post your other work as normal.

One last thing, be sure to check out and get involved over at the all new SFG Forum. Based on feedback from a large number of members, who stated that SFG needed a stronger sense of community, The new forum is the perfect outlet to build that community. It'll only work if you get involved though!

The next challenge will begin Thursday, March 29th, 2007.

Challenge yourselves SFG'ers and have a great week!


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