Nov 30, 2007

SFG: B is for Beatnick

Beatnick Poet

Here's a minimalist beat poet.


Holiday Card

Here's the holiday card design my friends and family will soon find in their mail box. Those goofy looking people with the big grins happen to be myself, my wife and our 2 year old daughter.

SFG: B is for Blues piano

'B' is for Blues piano... . . ... in B flat. B-hayve y'all.

Nov 29, 2007

Me again!

Hello guys - been under the radar for ages. Below are some recent illos I've done using vectors and photoshop.

Have a great weekend!

My blog

SFG: B is for... bored


A submission! For both SFG's theme of "B is for" and Illustration Friday's recent theme of "superstition" – and one of the superstitions that intrigues me most is that of the bird in the house.

Originally a doodle on scrap paper, then inked, scanned and coloured in Photoshop (type and speech bubbles created in Freehand). Click here to read the whole story, and here for a better look at the detail.

SFG: B is for...

This week's theme: B is for...

The SFG Challenge runs Thursday to Thursday, and was created to offer every member an opportunity to stretch their creative muscles, venture outside of their artistic boundaries and post their interpretations each week on a specific theme. This is a completely voluntary challenge!

Be sure to label your illustrations with the appropriate labels as well. Label your entries with your name and the challenge label, in this case SFG: B is for...

By the way SFG'ers, we've had a number of new members join recently, with quite a few more on their way in. Please make them feel welcome!

The next challenge begins Thursday, December 6th, 2007.

Have a great week SFG'ers!


How to paint wall with your little friend

There is a long post about how to paint easily a wall-painting at on my how-to site!



My very fist picture book!!

My very first illustrated picture book has came out yesterday! It is a new version of the Grimm brother's Hansel and Gretel story.


Nov 28, 2007

The Lady Riding Hat

I suppose this can be considered a sequal to The Pillbox Hat Girl.
02 of 03 hat girls.

The Lady


YO JOE! I'm back on the throwbacks with a vengance. As a kid I collected G.I.Joe figures and indulged in the 80's cartoon. One of the most remembered characters for me was Destro. Looking back now as an adult, he looks kinda pimpish, so I had to throw the Barroness in this pic. For the backdrop, I tried to replicate the toy packaging.
I'm having a GIJOE illustration contest over at my blog for the whole month of Dec.. All of you fellow Sugar Frosted illustrators are cordially invited to join in!!! ( Sacks10.blogspot)

Seattle Weekly Spot Illo

This is in this weeks seattle weekly. its about Judy Collins, a 60's music star who is now sequined dressed'd up and performing at supper club type joints. They said it was necessary that it be a sequined dress so i didnt panic and knew that i could figure something out. At first i extracted some actual sequins and tried putting hundreds of them on her dress and it looked horrible. if i had to paint them i would cry. this is one of the times im truly grateful for photoshop. the secret is i just used a default photoshop flower brush and a sparkle brush to achieve the over sequin look. it reduced down and published small enough that i think it worked! sometimes i get too obsessive about individual elements when i just need to look at what i need to do to achieve the overall final look.

Monster of the Month

That special time of the month where I get to draw at

Create an artistic background in CS3, tutorial

This week Phothoshop Magazine, a French Magazine directed by Stéphanie Guillaume, a multimedia journalist who works for

competence micro and competence-photo, publishes a tutorial of mine where I try to explain how to Create an artistic background in Photoshop CS3.

The tutorial is published in French but since it is quite basic I hope everybody can enjoy it.

You can read it by clicking on the following link:

Let me know

Mario Sughi

just returned from northern Florida


Nov 27, 2007

Christmas Tree

Have you bought your christmas tree yet? Well look no further. Just print off one these bad boys and you're all set! Where else can you find a tree that is pre-decorated, portable, and priced to!

Get yours here:Christmas Tree

Washington Post Saturday Style

this was the cover for last saturday's style section in the Washington Post. its an article about how crazy sells. amy winehouse, britney spears and r kelly all have had much sucess despite their crazy habits. Me and a couple other illustrators have come to the conclusion that Britney is hard to draw, probably because she doesnt have any super defining facial features.

pybot-another angry cat

foolin' around with the .03 micron again. like the linework, hope you all sfgers do, too.


The loneliest number can be blissfully ignorant.

SFG: Flight - Desert Solo

This is a painting commemorating the USAF Thunderbirds. Here we see the command bird, #1 solo, doing a practice run over the desert mountains just north of Nellis AFB, Las Vegas, Nevada, the Thunderbirds home base. The aircraft is a General Dynamics (now Lockheed Martin), F-16A fighter jet.


Canvas size; 18"x24"
Medium: Acrylic


"Sweet and tasty sure, but watch communist Russia, cupcake eats you!"

I hope everyone had a great and delicious Thanksgiving!

Faun and Fairies

Old virgin 2...

Nov 26, 2007

Project 100 Animals!

13 emphatic elk.

15 oscillatory ocelot

A little over 2 weeks into the project. I feel like im gaining some momentum. What do you guys think?

Check out the rest of the site at

Proverbs for Monsters Book Cover

Proverbs for Monsters Book Cover

I am thrilled to announce that Michael A. Arnzen's newly-released Proverbs for Monsters features a cover and interior illustrations by yours truly. Michael is an award-winning author and Proverbs for Monsters is a full-length collection of the best short horror stories and poems of his career so far. These illustrations are a return to my hand-drawn "creepy" technique and I had a blast working on them.

Michael and I collaborated on Gentle Monsters and I am honored to be a part of this important collection of his.


This is the cover of my latest children's book. The title means 'Laps and Wieb'. Laps and Wieb are the names of the Rabits.


"La Calchona"
Probando colores y texturas para un proyecto universitario.
Color test. For a Myth project "La Calchona"

SFG: Flight

An old virgin...

Una historia enferma, una virgen vieja un amor que busca se amado, una pasión herida, una vidente ciega una colección de tristezas...!

A very sick story an old virgin, a love thats looking for love apasion that has been hurt, a blind fortune teller and a collection of sadnness...!

Certain people I don't know

Rod Hunt Interview at ThunderChunky

I've just been interviewed at design website ThunderChunky if you fancy checking it out.

Nov 24, 2007

Trashing Abe

'Doodle Movie - Trashing Abe'

Another doodle movie using one of my recent drawings of Abraham Lincoln, some found textures from a parking garage in Nashville, a church door in NYC and a local parking lot. Also included is several historical diagrams I found in a vintage high school science book which I've made into Photoshop brushes.

Mix them all together and you get this essential nonsense.

Nov 23, 2007

Character Designs for... the work after

So... her's what I do after work... fun gig, all I had to do was create the visuals based off a storybible. The creator is a fellow by the name of Nat Miller, hella nice guy and a workaholic creatin his own indie comics. Tried a different coloring style cause... I wanted too ;)