Aug 27, 2011
Aug 25, 2011
Aug 24, 2011
Aug 23, 2011
Absolut Vision, Dublin, Day 1
Picture by nerosunero
in preparation of the ABSOLUT VIS10NS exhibition
running from September 12th to 17th in the Laundry Room of South Studios, Dublin 8
The entire project is curated by the Always Read the Small Print Agency
in occasion of the Absolut Fringe Festival under the great sponsorship of
Absolut Vodka
Participating artists:
Ben Newman (UK) / BRENB (IRL) / Celestine Cooney (IRL) / DALEK (USA) / Linda Brownlee (IRL) / nerosunero (ITA) / Niels Shoe Meulman (Netherlands) / Rinzen (Australia) / The London Police (UK)
Detailed info at:
Aug 19, 2011
Festival for Absolut Vision
Festival by nerosunero
in preparation of the ABSOLUT VIS10NS exhibition
running from September 12th to 17th in the Laundry Room of South Studios, Dublin 8
The entire project is curated by the Always Read the Small Print Agency
in occasion of the Absolut Fringe Festival under the great sponsorship of
Absolut Vodka
Detailed info at:
Aug 15, 2011
Commission sample

Here is a small sample of what I'm working on for my current commission. It's a pulp-style poster in pure Dawlism fashion (I haven't figured out what that means, yet). The colors will likely change, but you get the idea. I was inspired by Polanski's Repulsion and the perfect description from the client: "loves horror movies - mainly foreign horror movies that are more thriller versus the Saw movies which she hates."
Aug 14, 2011
Aug 12, 2011
Volume 9 of my graphic novel

Well here's the opening nightmare sequence to Vol. 9 of my graphic novel... hoping to finish it this coming year...
Aug 11, 2011
a page from my vacation journal...

Art of RTD: New App Available In the iTunes Store For Your iPhone, iPod, and iPad

I’m excited to announce that you can officially fit RTD comfortably in your pocket with the new fresh and shiny Art of RTD app. It’s now available in the iTunes store here http://bit.ly/Art-App-RTD. Please check it out and give it a spin... I'd love to hear what you think of it too.
I have handpicked this selection that showcases 36 illustrations of freelance illustrator, RTD’s most popular artwork! Every illustration includes an artist’s description and commentary about each one giving the viewer even more insight about the origin of the images. Each illustration can easily be saved as a wallpaper for your device screen as well.
It’s currently on sale for .99 cents, so go shake that couch, grab some quarters, nickles, and pennies, and put a little RTD magic in your pocket - http://bit.ly/Art-App-RTD. I really appreciate your support!

Aug 10, 2011
Aug 9, 2011
FREE 36 Page Graphic Novel Preview

Download a FREE 36 page sampler of "The Life and Times of Julius Destructus" here:
Download the whole e-book here for $4.99.
Or order the physical book here for $14.99 + shipping.
Each book comes signed with an original sketch.
The Funky illustrations of Nerosunero at Humanitari (New York)
The Funky illustrations of nerosunero at
Humanitari (New York, USA, 9 VIII 2011)
Aug 8, 2011
Great White caricature

A caricature of a Great White shark done for last week's Shark Week. (and no, it's not Bruce from Finding Nemo). Pencil and Photoshop.
Aug 7, 2011
New Covers Post for Super Alphabet

I just posted the front and back covers for my children's picture book "Super Alphabet"... check out the fun video while you are there...
Aug 5, 2011
Aug 4, 2011
Swamp Thing

Almost done. Maybe.


Not finished with it yet, but here's the beginning drawing...
Buy my graphic novel here!
Aug 3, 2011
One of a series

I've been working on the annual report and accounts for the charity Abbeyfield. The charity is the result of the vision of the inspirational Richard Carr-Gomm. And this year, the incidental images throughout the annual report reflected the theme of companionship and love across the generations. This one was my favourite, because it shows my father enjoying a moment of pulling faces at my son Xavier.