Apr 3, 2006


Not illustrations per se, but since Jeope shared his contributions to the latest HOWieZine, I thought I'd share mine as well. The theme was superheroes, and I had the distinct pleasure of designing the covers and inside covers for the book. This wasn't my original concept for the covers, I'd had something else entirely in mind. But, a number of events kept me from completing that concept well enough for my tastes to submit it. For the whole story, click HERE. Let me know what you think...

Click each image for a larger view.


Jeope said...

Awesome. My favourite cover yet – no offence to the two other HZ cover artists here (OK, one of them was me).

Jeff Andrews said...

Thanks Jeope! Wow, that means alot. I had alot of fun doing these covers. Going for kind of a retro-coffee table look with some influences from those Cartoon Network Boomerang Channel commercials I think. Glad you liked them.

RobSchwager said...

Even after all the BS that happened with lost shipping/re-prints, etc., I'm very much looking forward to getting my HZ in the mail this week.

Urban Barbarian said...

I have most of those comics....!

RobSchwager said...

I got mine today. Sweet cover Jeff.