Jun 28, 2006

Looks like rain

Looks like rain

I drew this sketch of a little girl holding out her hand to capture the first raindrop of a storm several months ago. What a coincidence that this week's theme for Illustration Friday is Rain, huh? Nice. I didn't have to think too hard on the concept, however, I did have a dickens of a time trying to find the right color scheme. I went through several iterations, from green, blue, red, etc. At first I had her in mostly blue hues with a greenish background. But I realized that I use green and ochre way too much. I wanted to use colors that I normally wouldn't use. Peach seemed peachy keen to me.

Well, here ya go. What do you think?



Kevin said...

Love the colors and the illustration. Did you do the line art and scan or do it digitally with a tablet?

Jeope said...

I don't see peach per se, but I was gonna comment on how cool it was that you did your sketch on packing paper or cardboard. Cute.

Ward Jenkins said...

Kevin, I drew it with pencil on paper then scanned it, and then colored it in Photoshop. And orginally, the dotted lines for the water drop was only about three lines. I drew the rest in Photoshop with that chalk brush I find myself using almost always. Has a nice natural look to it.

Ha! Thanks, Jeope. I think.

Jeope said...

I'm serious! Wipe that "I think" off yer face!