Aug 31, 2006
Aug 30, 2006

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Did you know that you can now advertise on Sugar Frosted Goodness?
That's right, if you have a business, event or a website that you'd like to promote, there are some great opportunities to advertise them, right here on this website.
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When I was in the Czech Republic I met the great photojournalist, Jan Sibik. He was having a huge exhibition in Prague. You can see some of his work here, http://www.sibik.cz/. I showed him one of my drawing books. He looked a little stunned and then he said something to me I hadn't thought of. I have been using a new drawing book. It is made by Carhartt, the company that makes a lot of camping, hunting and work gear. He says, "The drawings you make are so uplifting and hopeful but the cover of your book is just the opposite. It is that military symbol that I see in every terrible situation I go to in the world." I thought that was such an interesting observation. I got him to sign his new book for me. It is amazing to meet someone who goes everyday to the worst places on earth and documents what is happening. Beruit, Congo, Iraq, North Korea, wars, tsunami, floods, AIDS clinics and basically anywhere that hell exists. It puts things into perspective for me as I go around drawing the funny little buildings in my neighborhood and places I travel.
There is an interview of me in Dork Magazine. http://www.dorkmag.com/tk.html
Aug 29, 2006

inspire me thursday's current topic is paints and to be honest i rarely paint, as im sure you can tell, but i wanted to give it a try anyway.

Hi everybody,
I´d just like to say hello to all the great artists that take part in this blog. I´m an illustrator from Barcelona, Spain and this is one of my latest pieces of work (and one I´m pretty proud of)
Best, Oscar
My portfolio
The Jolly Festival
Yea, I am new to here and I would love to join you guys.
Hi, people, I am just a 20 years old asian girl who loves drawing. : )
This is my latest work and my new trying---the Jolly Festival
Click to enlarge.
Made with patterned papers and stickers by hands.
JoJo Yeung
Hi, people, I am just a 20 years old asian girl who loves drawing. : )
This is my latest work and my new trying---the Jolly Festival

Click to enlarge.
Made with patterned papers and stickers by hands.
JoJo Yeung
todays scribbles

this was one i did for match, its a week or two old but i did all the clean up before class.
i had text on the original but it was hard to make out so i got rid of it. they were lyrics from a song i wrote years ago.
"and promises we never had the chance to keep, how typical, but nonetheless how tragic all the same."

this i did on muni on the way home, i forgot to bring my mp3 player or book or crossword or anything to distract me. i generally dont draw on public transit but hell i was bored of reading all those lame posters.
its kinda a long story but its how my life is feeling at the moment.

and this is what happens when i take notes...
the other pages had more info on them, also there are a few of these that i really like and well develop in the next few days. im including this because i was asked by someone the other day about the process i use to make this stuff, and what it looks like before i use the computer to clean it up. usually i dont draw on notebook paper but i was trying to be sly and not draw attention to the fact that i was paying only half attention.
anyway, i hope you all enjoy.
Aug 28, 2006
Smells like Scwabb!

Mysterious Identity!

Aug 27, 2006

Vienna is like a giant wedding cake. Every square inch of every building is jammed packed with so much ornate frilly frilly business you wonder how the hell they did it. It is quite a sight though. You really feel the history of these places. But what I feel when I stroll around looking at all of those buildings is how much these architects must have loved wedding cakes.
I want to thank 2 of my friends. One is Bill Dawson of XK9 design. Check him out here: http://www.xk9.com/woof/ I noticed he had a little icon before his http address. I asked him how he did it. He told me it is called a favicon and that a young designer helped him do it. He was kind enough to turn me on to his friend. His name is Jason Croatto. He did mine for no charge. I love all the people I have met on the internet who have gone out of their way to help me, especially these 2 knuckleheads.
There is an interview of me in Dork Magazine. http://www.dorkmag.com/tk.html
Ava turns 6

My daughter Ava turned six last month. Six years old. I can't believe my little girl is growing so fast right before my very eyes. I wanted to do something special for her, so I whipped this drawing up and posted it on my blog. She liked it, but I'm sure she was thinking to herself, "Okay, where's my real gift, cheap Daddy!" You can't tell too much from this size, but I used a cool denim texture for her denim skirt there. I need to use textures more often, you know?

Here's my original Moleskine sketch. You can see all the little toys and knick knacks that Ava loves to play with surrounding her feet. In the final version, I decided to just focus on the girl. Oh, and I had to keep that sketchbook and pencil in her hands, of course.
A bit of South African history...

Ok, I made a little fib when I said my next post would be a Summer Fun drawing....
In the 1880s, before Sir Percy Fitzpatrick wrote Jock of the Bushveld, he worked as a storeman, prospector's assistant, journalist and as a wagon transport-rider from Lourenco Marques (Maputo) to Lydenburg and Barberton, in what is now Mpumalanga.
My blog
Aug 26, 2006
Aug 25, 2006
The Pencil is King

I'm never happy when I ink a pencil drawing. It always seems to lose something. So I thought I would share this sketch before it gets inked.
You can check out the finished illustration over at
ApeFluff and the Little Chimp Society
Summer Fun!

Jeff said "For heaven's sake, click on the popsicle!", which I did, and here's a pic for the Summer Fun challenge.
Ok, admittedly it's an old pic, but I thought I'd get the ball rolling. My next post will be a brand new summer illo!
My blog
Aug 24, 2006
The Ladies

The town that my friend's farm is in is very small. Everyone knows everyone. It is called East Otto in upstate New York. Near Buffalo. I was going all over town drawing. Word had quickly spread that there was stranger in town sitting on a small foldup stool drawing and painting. This seemed very exotic to these folks. So over the course of a few days almost everyone had come over to see what I was up to and to introduce themselves. I was thrilled and amazed. My friend Pat called me when I got home and said the town ladies had approached his friend Beau to ask if they could use my drawings for a calender to raise money to save the old schoolhouse. I know this sounds like an episode of Mayberry but i'm just telling it like it is. Well anyway, I told them to go screw themselves. JUST KIDDING. I put everything on a disk and sent it to them to use as they please. I am very flattered.
There is an interview of me in Dork Magazine. http://www.dorkmag.com/tk.html

Everyone's been posting awesome art all over the place in response to the "Match" topic on Illustration Friday. I'm not a member of IF, so figured I'd take the liberty of posting this doodle over here...
My blog
A modest tutorial on how I coloured this doodle over here
Aug 23, 2006
Meetings at work leads to doodles!

I actually was paying attention in the meeting, and was a little stunned when it was over and looked at my notepad. Blake
Jorge Lucan

I've been busy.
and getting married.
Honeymoon in N. Europe.
Lots of stuff to do.
Lots and lots.
Here's Lucan.
Working Large

My friend Keith Haluska bought me a new drawing book in Amsterdam. It is quite large though. I have begun to do these black and white sketches that I color in with pencils. They are pretty nice but very hard work because of the size. But you know me I'm a friggin glutton for punishment. Here's a typical one I did early one morning before the city of Vienna woke up. The only people on the streets were me and drunks coming home from clubs the night before.
Aug 22, 2006

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