Aug 24, 2006

The Ladies

The town that my friend's farm is in is very small. Everyone knows everyone. It is called East Otto in upstate New York. Near Buffalo. I was going all over town drawing. Word had quickly spread that there was stranger in town sitting on a small foldup stool drawing and painting. This seemed very exotic to these folks. So over the course of a few days almost everyone had come over to see what I was up to and to introduce themselves. I was thrilled and amazed. My friend Pat called me when I got home and said the town ladies had approached his friend Beau to ask if they could use my drawings for a calender to raise money to save the old schoolhouse. I know this sounds like an episode of Mayberry but i'm just telling it like it is. Well anyway, I told them to go screw themselves. JUST KIDDING. I put everything on a disk and sent it to them to use as they please. I am very flattered.

There is an interview of me in Dork Magazine.


Jeff Andrews said...

That's awesme Tommy! Let us know if they're going to be available online.


Jeope said...

Great story - and the note along the bottom about the rooster only adds to it.