Feb 28, 2007


B-Yard Wednesday

Y'all wants barnyards. Y'all gots barnyards. This is an older one from my book, "Around the House, the Fox Chased a Mouse". Written by Rick Walton and illustrated by some hack named Jim. Jeff tried to get me to post this awhile back and I resisted because it was a little older than my current style, but I couldn't resist when I saw all the action going down on the farm.
jim's blog


not that i want a copy of my own book. i just didn't want to be left out of the festivities. this was for cow appreciation day last year.



Here is a little diddy I am working on. WIP.

Hungarian Barnyard


More Monsters....in Color!

Barnyard Jr.

  • Paul C.
  • Back again!!

    I've been having problems with my blogger account but it looks like I've got that all cleared away.
    Here's some sketches for a belated POST SOMETHING MONDAY!

    on the farm

    Run Lola Run

    SFG: Barnyard

    here's my submission for this week's "Barnyard Wednesday Contest!" Can't you just smell the hay?

    More Monsters....

    Tooth Decay

    When I was a kid and went to the dentist, it was the most painful experiences of my life. For some sick reason the dentist never gave me novocaine. He would just start drilling away. The pain was overwhelming, especially because I had tons of cavities. I just thought it was normal. That was the way everyone was treated. I was too little and scared to say anything, so I didn’t. I just took the pain and agony. The guy was a real nut job to do that to a little kid. He would always kid to my mom that he didn’t know if I was breathing when I was in the chair. I wouldn’t make a sound or peep. I was hanging on for dear life just like Dustin Hoffman in “Marathon Man”.

    Feb 27, 2007

    Male beauty

    Just trying to capture the essence of male beauty

    Missin' those Monsters?

    Baby Stuff

    These are for a certificate & greeting card set. I might add a couple more to the mix yet...

    The Grand Adventures of Babar

    Cover for graphic novel "The Grand Adventures of Babar" a spin off of the famous british childrens books.

    Vinyl Decal Process

    Ok just got back from getting these done. It doesn't take a genius to do it, just patience!

    The plotter cutting the image into the vinyl:

    The vinyl with the cuts:

    Peeling (weeding) out the negative:

    All were done on one sheet:

    All of the negative weeded out:

    Applying the contact paper:

    Cutting up the decals:

    I can see how detailed images are NO GOOD for this... unless you have a steady hand and lots of patience. I'll definately be reworking couple stickers.

    If anyone is interested in getting your own logos/work turned into decals, I can get these done for you at a super cheap price.

    Email me - iamintricate@gmail.com


    Adam and Eve were Canadian

    Moleskine in motion #4

    flip film from my 4th moleskine, missed start of book as well as the 2000th post congratulations

    Sketch on Coffee...

    Coffee and Ink on Paper | He is tiny and smells delicious.



    Feb 26, 2007

    CA Road Trip sketches


    Post Something Monday

    Living in South Africa means I live in the future. ie it's Tuesday morning, 08h10. Over there in the past where you guys are it's probably 22h06 on a Monday. Anyway, hopefully this makes it in time: A nonsense comic from a few days ago, where each panel dictates what the next one is about...

    my blog


    I'm not sure where this little guy came from. I've named him "Schmecko." I don't know why.


    Here's a little 'ol illustration I did for an unnamed (howdesign.com) forum. Never could keep my mouth shut. Anywayz...this is Tex. I'm not sayin Tex is me and I ain't sayin he's not.

    Lost in Translation

    LinkMy "Post Something Monday" submission just so happens to be my "Lost vs. Heroes" submission as well. I'm a big fan of both shows, but if I had to choose between the two I'd pick Lost any day. Which leads me to the inspiration for this particular illustration. Is it just me, or has anyone else ever noticed how much Hurley's head looks just like the island?

    shine on, little firefly!

    A character design I did for the flash header on my new Firefly Multimedia site. The site is still in the works, but this little guy couldn't wait til launch to start fluttering around! :)


    A commissioned piece done for Acme Archives, who are licensees of all Lucasfilm artwork. It was recently launched at the New York Comic Con.

    Visit my blog for a step-by-step on it's creation.


    pffff..at last time to post somethign....here are some of the things i have been doing in my spare time at home......LOL! Best, Choper!

    Grrrr Face

    Here's one I did for the recent drawergeeks topic. I missed the submission deadline on Friday morning. I was up till 1:00am the night before and just couldn't get it where I wanted it. Maybe I'll do some more on it but for now I will just post it and walk away.
    jim's blog

    You did say "post anything"!

    I've been making these collage hooks for a few months now - they are so much fun and a great stress reliever at this time of year which is my absolute busiest.

    Oldy buta goody

    This is a piece I did almost 4 years ago in art school. Its about motivational speakers (good, bad, and ugly).


    yoda! i've never drawed him before so why not?


    Vinyl Decals v1

    I'm going in to plot these vinyl decals on my buddy's 60" plotter.

    Evil Robot!

    Post Something Monday

    Ok...well, here's something... a little older and a little weird from the depths of the recent sketchbooks...

    My BLOG

    Post something Monday

    Here's my post something monday!
    Just some designs I'm creating featuring New Zealand birds

    Have a nice day
    Onno Knuvers


    Post anything.....

    Here's an illustration from my first commissioned picture book, Fig's Giant by Geraldine McCaughrean. This was published by Oxford University Press in October 2005. I started work on it in 2003 and was astonished at how long it took from completion to publication.

    Chicken In the Henhouse

    This image is from a series of personal work I'm doing based on David Sedaris' short stories. This one is based on the story "Chicken In the Henhouse" found in his book "Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim"
    More to come!
