May 24, 2007

SFG: Angels + Demons...

Here is my post for this challenge...just in time. It is a piece based on a set of characters i am working on my own for comertial pourposes..LOL. Hope you all like it.
Best, Choper Nawers.

1 comment:

jim bradshaw said...

The vector and texture look great together. Cool characters. They look like little parchessi pieces with personality.

I mentioned before how I like the corrogated board. I have all kinds of scans of the stuff. I like to rip the paper layer off randomly to expose the corrogate underneath. It reminds me of an old plaster wall with chunks broken off to expose the wood slats beneath. Then I take the pieces and glue them on top of each other as a collage. Then I scan it and it sits in a folder forgotten until Choper comes along and reminds me to get on it. Thanks for the inspiration.