Jun 7, 2007


I used to have a harley davidson motorcycle. I kept it in New York for about five years. Garaging it was only about a hundred bucks a month. At some point I got tired of it and got myself a car. A vintage 1966 Dodge Dart GT convertible. Fire engine red with black and white bucket seats. Over time it started to have problems. I'm not real good at fixing cars. It was always five hundred bucks to fix. Five hundred bucks, five hundred bucks. It started to wear me down. Plus to garage a car was like four hundred a month. So after five years I dumped that too. Now that Yun and I are contemplating Brooklyn, a car will probably be on the horizon also. I sort look forward and dread the idea all at once. Hopefully we can just leave it on the street so we won't have to pay for a garage. Can you believe a garage in New York is now about five honey a month. You can rent a house for that in most parts of the country. Maybe we should just buy a new car and then live in it. That's a good idea.


Anonymous said...

I've been thinking of not needing a car as a strong motivator to move to NY. I mean, I can't afford to live there even without a car, but seriously, I hate having to own one.

Oh, sweet drawing by the way.

Chris Wahl said...

Great drawing!

Reminds me of Snotrod from the movie 'Cars'.

kane said...

it's tough to own a car here but it is easy to get around without one.

jim bradshaw said...

Hot car Tommy.

melinda beavers said...

Awesome drawing Tommy! And I always love your stories too, thanks so much for sharing them.
I do love my car. The possibility of having to give it up when I move into NYC is something I dread. I know I wouldn't NEED it, but I'd still like to HAVE it. I’ve stayed in the city quite often, and have always been able to find street parking, but not living there full-time made it less of a hassle for me I think. I know a few people there that have recently purchased cars after not having had one for YEARS. Now there's all this talk about congestion pricing, makes even MORE scary to own a car in NYC. Still, I can’t imagine NOT having one.