Jun 14, 2007

DI Interview: Glen Mullaly

Another great interview with one of my new favorite illustrators, Glen Mullaly. Be sure to click over and check it out, believe me you'll be glad you did. Good stuff! Be sure to leave a comment while you're there.



DavidSniderDesignStudio said...

Great stuff Glen! You are definitely a step above. Your stuff is just terrific.
After seeing one of your pieces it made me think...
I always wondered if the 'puzzle' artwork you did for one of the children's mags? As to how difficult those are for an illustrator? I would think those would be somewhat of a challenge. Or are they very specific as to what they want?

Glen Mullaly said...

Hi David, thanks for the nice words.
Is your question how hard are the puzzle & games spreads I do for some kid' mags compared to a regular two page spread? If so I'd say it really depends on the illustrator. I know folks who are great with with crowd scenes, really complicated stuff - and I'm sure it wouldn't be that tough for them. I'm not one of those people though, so they can be a lot of work.
If the A.D. has the layout / linear planned out well, or allows a lot of reworking on my end it can go smoothly - like this chickaDEE spread http://glenmullaly.com/amazon.htm
Most the P&G spreads I do these days I create the puzzles and write as well. This makes it much more enjoyable on my end and ensures a smoother translation of idea to paper. They don't always work perfectly but at least it's my own fault and I can't blame it on someone else!