Jun 12, 2007


Someone asked me today if I noticed an increase in homeless activity in my neighborhood. I said no. He said he was being overrun. In the past there used to be nice old bums. Nowdays there is a younger meaner breed. They're very aggressive and scarier. He said there are a few regulars on his block always covered in dried blood. The neighbors complained. The police come and arrest them but they are back a day or two later covered in blood and menacing the old ladies on the street. At my last apartment I interacted with the homeless a lot more. I had a stoop that was a magnet for them. I became friendly with a couple who have since died. One guy was about my size so I used to give him my old clothes. Some nights I would come home late in the winter and see this guy on my stoop. He would be wearing all of my clothes. It was kind of freaky. We'd both laugh. Now Yun and I live on a main avenue. It is not safe for bums to hang out there and sleep or bother people. They have to hide along the sides streets terrifying my friend. Better him than me.


jim bradshaw said...

Great sketch Tommy. The favorite drink one almost made me gag. ;)

Nick Ramos said...

I love the picture and his expression.