Jun 15, 2007

The Human Vacuum Cleaner

My company has a softball team. It also happens to be pretty damn good. Our company is very large so there is a lot of people to choose from. I am the second baseman. I was under the impression that I was over the hill but it turns out I have a few good years left. My hitting and fielding have been quite good. One guy on our team was scouted by every major league team in baseball when he was in high school. He throws the ball about two hundred miles an hour and hits a homerun every time up. We could probably beat every team fifty to nothing but we just play for fun. Tons of not so good employees show up and we let everyone play and have some chances to field and bat, no matter how many times they drop the ball or strike out. It is a great way to be. There is too much emphasis on winning in our society. Win at all cost even if you have to cheat or play unfairly or take steroids or break rules. The same type of mentality has seeped into our government and workplaces. Everyone should get out and play a little softball this summer and remember, "it doesn't matter if you win or lose but how you play the game." Encourage those who aren't so good and just have fun. You may learn something about life.


jim bradshaw said...

Maybe everyone would go out and play softball if every team was like yours. In all my years, I have never been on a team that is like that. You lucky sucka. In fact, I used to say that my team was just a microcosm of society. Let's say it was my company team. All the stupid power struggle politics that happenend in the office, was acting out to a T on the field. I quit, thinking I get enough of this crap during the day. I don't need any more in my "fun" time thank you. I like your sketch and your team's attitude Tommy.

kane said...

I should mention that we lose almost every week because we put in so many subs. We could win every game if we left our scrubs on the bench, but we dont.

DavidSniderDesignStudio said...

Tommy? I think you need to bring your hands up a bit higher and straighten up your stance...but other than that I really like this piece. ;)

Anonymous said...

hey tommy - great post. forgive me being very English, but what is the difference between softball and baseball?