After the attending the HOW design conference, I found myself waiting for a flight, full of inspiration and feeling refreshed. While sitting in the gate waiting area, I broke out my sketchbook and marker and started to observe my surrounds. Looking down at my feet, I discovered a small boy pushing a toy car on the floor and making engine sounds with his voice. I immediately was taken back by it and reflected on my childhood. I thought to myself, "what boy hasn't done this?" I started to sketch my feet and the surrounding area. I only wanted to show the boy's hand pushing the car. Below is the sketch.

Seated comfortably on the aircraft and headed back home, I sat quietly thinking about that boy and his toy car. I wondered where he might be traveling and how many people like myself were touched by his innocence.
Charlotte, North Carolina, June 13th, 5:20 p.m.
I had a connecting flight to Baltimore through Charlotte that was scheduled to leave at 5:10 p.m. My wife had called earlier informing me of expected thunderstorms in the area and my flight was delayed by 2 hours. As soon as I reached the gate, I was pleasantly surprised to see the flight was actually leaving early to beat the storm. No such luck. We had to sit in the aircraft at the gate for an additional 30 minutes to allow the storm to pass. Ramp operations ceased due to the possibility of a lightning strike. I grabbed my marker and skethbook and tried my best to capture the moment.

See my Blog entry HERE
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