Jun 14, 2007

SFG: Summer Vacation

SFG: Summer Vacation

This week's theme: Summer Vacation

Past, present or future, The theme this week is Summer Vacation. Illustrate before the end of the calendar week what these two words mean to you. A fitting theme considering the time of year. I'm looking forward to, and hoping for more original work ala IF. Let's see what you got folks! ;)

For you newcomers, the SFG Challenge runs Thursday to Thursday, and was created to offer every member an opportunity to stretch their creative muscles and post their interpretations on a specific theme. It's a lot of fun!

Be sure to label your illustrations with the appropriate labels as well. I prefer you label your entries with your name or screenname, and the challenge label, SFG: Summer Vacation.

Remember, this is a completely voluntary challenge designed solely to stimulate creativity and promote participation. Please don't hesitate to post your other work as normal.

A few side notes...

I'm looking for someone to help me with keeping up with posting updates for SFG and DI to some of the illustration and design news sites that are out there. Contact me if you're interested in helping out. A well appreciated but strictly voluntary position believe me.

I'd also love to see you SFG'ers help to advertise the site yourselves, posting links on your own websites, and talking it up where and when you can all over the net. Help me to build this brand!

We still have SFG T-Shirts available in every size. Show your brand loyalty and wear SFG! Be on the lookout for a new SFG product available soon as well. Stay tuned!

Finally, I can't stress enough how much I hope you take the time to get involved over at the SFGForum. There are a million threads waiting for you to start them! Good stuff over there folks, a great way to interact with and get to know your fellow SFG'ers on a more personal level.

The next challenge begins Thursday, June 21st, 2007.

Challenge yourselves SFG'ers and have a great week!

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