Sep 9, 2007

New Finished Illustration

Here's an illustration I just finished as a personal project. Fall is hitting and I wanted to do something that reflected that...

Here's a few details...

I modeled the dog after our Border Collie, Scout.


Rob Duenas said...

lol, love the dog great expression, awesome work!

Jago said...

Love the trees, they're great, what's your technique, if you don't mind me asking?

PS I was looking at your website today, lovely work...

pati said...

Wow! It's amazing. I love their expression, colors and textures. Such a beautiful work!

livia said...

awesome. love the textures and the colors.

Gerald Kelley said...


I've been working on various working methods for a while now and I think I've finally found what works for me...

The figures and the front row of tree trunks were done in Illustrator without much detail and then imported into Photoshop. Everything else was completed in PS: all the shading, details, highlights. The leaves are simply a brush I created and tweaked so the colors shifted. The aspen details were just a simple pencil brush. I have a custom texture (a shot of a rusty car door) that I place over the whole illustration to unify the look and hold it together.

When I have the opportunity, on my website I want to put together a video of a piece from start to finish.AN d also add a DOWNLOADS section that will include custom textures and brushes.


Anonymous said...

I love it.....the character is spot on

Urban Barbarian said...

These are exceptional!

Sophia R. said...

I love your work! I find it very refreshing and personalized.