My niece Megan is about to go off to college in September. Going to art school changed my life and a big reason is that I found great teachers who took a special interest in me. I owe them a great big thank you. I hope my niece runs into a teacher like Suzanne Buchanan. I received a wonderful letter from her the other day and I wanted to share it.
Hi Tommy, Hope you are doing well. I just noticed that you left a comment on our department's blog. This suggests to me that you may have noticed all the links poking up to your blog from students in the Interior Architecture Department at UNCG. Let me explain. This year we are encouraging all of our beginning students to create what we call a blog.folio to record their work throughout the program. As a first assignment, and in order to get the students familiar with the idea of sketch blogs, I asked them to search the web to identify a favorite blog and write about it. I provided them with a list of my favorites (your's included) to get them started. As you can see from visiting the student links here, yours was a real favorite. In particular, my students really found inspiration in your line quality...something they are struggling with at the moment. Your work has been an inspiration to me and I know it will continue to be for my students.
Thank you so much.Best wishes,
Suzanne Buchanan Design
Suzanne Buchanan's Blog
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