Oct 10, 2007

Joey Ramone Portrait

Hopefully this is the first one of a series for this musicians-portraits tribute I'm planning to do. Let's see if the time is generous with me in order to complete the project. Here you go Mr. Joey Ramone.


Tomas Bjornsson said...

I like it, Looking forward to see the next one

jim bradshaw said...

So cool to see real people in the classic Alberto style. Great stuff!

Choper Nawers! said...

wicked Alberto, hope to see more of it. that is really nice...

Unknown said...

I have to agree with the others. And mannnnnnnnnnn, that texture is making me so green with envy. Very cool.

Daniel Davis said...

As usual Alberto, I'm loving what you do. Great job.

kane said...

Genius piece of work. I love it.