Oct 6, 2008

Scary Palin?

Scary Palin Poster for Art Show. (Click image to download poster.)

I don't go out of my way to do a lot of politically motivated art. Frankly I think it's a lot of hot air and relatively pointless. I suppose it's a good creative vent for some and I guess that would be the case in point with this art?

So when I was asked by "Start Soma" to participate in their new "Propaganda" show I was intrigued. You see the focus of this new show will be centered around "Sarah Palin."

So the juxtapose I was after was the contrast between a beautiful woman and the fact she scares many

1 comment:

Aaron Sowd said...

Ahhh! You're freaking me out!

Very nice! Now I'm gonna have nightmares...