Jun 20, 2009

Michel Gondry

Many of you have probably seen, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" with Jim Carey and Kate Winslet. It was directed by the great Michel Gondry. He also did, "The Science of Sleep" and "Be Kind Rewind". Not only is he a genius director but he also loves to draw. He has a very unique wacky drawing style. You can check out his website. Anyway a while ago I read where he would draw your portrait for like twenty bucks and send you the original. This was just too good to pass up. about a month ago I sent him my picture and low and behold my portrait drawn and signed by him showed up the other day. How cool is that. Next I'm going to get Speilberg to draw me.

1 comment:

milo said...

i love that...and you're right... he's amazing