Sep 1, 2009


First off, this is my 500th blog post. A lot of energy goes into coming up with all that nonsense I write about. Butch Belair and I went to the High Line in Manhattan to draw. There was old abandoned elevated train tracks on the westside. It looked like a highway in the sky. Someone had the bright idea to make it into a park. It's quite stunning. Butch and I sat on these big rows of benches that lead down to an overpass above 10th avenue. They cut big holes and put in glass so people can watch the cars and pedestrians go by. It's very cool. We were sitting just below the walkway. As you can imagine, once our drawings started to take shape, hundreds of people would look down over our shoulders to see what we were up to. We had to draw under constant scrutiny. At one point there was a large group standing two feet above our heads. One really loud lady was commenting to the group about my sketching. She said and I quote. "Look at how he's drawing. He draws EXACTLY like me, with a pen on paper." The sun was beating down on our necks. Got me a nice farmer tan. We had over picture taken by tons of tourists. If only they knew the drawing was for my 500th post. The lady probably has a blog EXACTLY like mine too.


Jason said...

I think we all draw EXACTLY like you Tom, with 'a pen on paper'. Although sometimes I cheat and use a Wacom tablet.

jim bradshaw said...

This is exaxtly my 500th comment. This world is full of one freakin' coincidence after another.

Jeff Andrews said...

Tommy, we're blessed to share this momentous achievement with you. :)

Julie said...
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Julie said...

Congratulations on 500. Nice drawing. I've read Peter Brown's "The Curious Garden" (inspired by this place) but I never thought it was a real place before!