Mar 31, 2011
I Am A Soul
My first ever collage piece! A heck a lot of work and a heck a lot of fun.
Thank you Derek Gores for the inspiration, Mr. Mok for the tips and the photo, Jojee, Esther, and Candice for the ballet advice, and Crys for letting me tear up her magazines!
Mar 29, 2011
Polar bear jumping over me

Adam and Eve.. and him.

Mar 28, 2011
SFG: E is for...
Christ on the cross

20 Money Saving Tips

Ganbatte Nihon

I did another t-shirt design for and this time it's actually about something.
I will send all the proceeds of the sales to the Dutch Red Cross Japan relief fund (giro 6868) and the kids at Limitedtshirts told me they will match what I make and donate that too.
Please go to, register and vote... and buy the t-shirt!
Mar 25, 2011
nerosunero back on ESCAPE INTO LIFE
features on
Escape Into Life (Chicago, USA, 22 III 2011)
Many thanks to Teia & Mandy
First time my works featured on Escape was back in Dec. 2009.
see here
That time our Chris Al-Aswad, one of the most inspiring and extraordinary persons on the web, brought my work there.
Ahhh Chris we miss you so much! But you will be always with us!
Mar 24, 2011
Polar Bear for your Desktop

For the acceptance into the SXSW and Tribeca Film Festivals, the animated short “The Beaufort Diaries” released a limited edition print poster and a series of free wallpaper downloads for your desktop or mobile device. For downloads and more information on the film check out The Beaufort Diaries online.
Mar 23, 2011
Mar 22, 2011
Charlie Valor issue 2 Now Live

The second issue of "The Complicated World of Charlie Valor" (I illustrated and designed) is live and available for download or viewing at
So check it out, and then make yourself an origami Earth-Pig.
Mar 21, 2011
Invitation to all!!
Dear All
I would love to invite you to my up-coming art show - "ONE" - a Maverix Art Auction Benefit for Japan Relief.
SuperFrog Gallery
1746 Post St , New People building , top floor
Date and Time: 2 April, 7pm - 10pm
More infoMaverix Art Auction Benefit for Japan Relief
Together we can become "ONE" to make a difference
Gallery Opens 7 pm, Silent Auction Bidding ends at 930 pm.
Join us for the upcoming silent auction party , for the rare chance to
bring home original art from celebrated artists in the animation & film industry
(Pixar, Lucas, Dreamworks, Nickelodeon to name a few) including:
Dice Tsusum
Robert Valley,
Ronnie Del Carmen
Enrico Casarosa,
Scott Morse
Bill Presing
Lou Romano
Cam De Leon
Tooru Terada,
Daniel Simon
John Waishank,
Patrick Awa
Joey Chou
Ed Bell,
Todd Ueminami
Marcos Mateu,
Mari Inukai
Yoriko Ito
Jackie Huang,
Soosa Kim
Jamie Baker
Alina Chau
Oren Haskins
Sei Nakashima
Julia Lundman
Le Tang,
Ted Mathot
Tom Rubalcava
Derek Thompson,
Sho Murase
Sergio Paez
Vaughn Ross
... also critically acclaimed fine artists such as
Miya Ando ,
Kent Williams ....and many more !
SuperFrog , Maverix and ArtistsHelpJapan are donating 100% of all proceeds to Artists Help Japan Fund with Mercy Corps.
There will be appetizers and drinks , live DJ sets by DJ Dedan
ひ とつ("HITOTSU") means "One" which is the first number of all but also mean "United" in Japanese.
Our action might be a little "one" to start with, but we can get together and become "ONE" to make a difference.

Hope to see you all there!!
nerosunero's show at Fish Bowl Gallery, Dublin
Quiet afternoons
Fish Bowl Gallery
Exchange, Dublin
Temple Bar, Dublin
21st to 27th Mar 2010
Exchange Dublin
Mar 20, 2011
Billboard Illustrations For McDonalds Filet-o-fish

I was recently commissioned for a pretty sweet illustration opportunity with McDonalds for the filet-o-fish "Tales From the Sea" campaign. Had to crack all five out from sketches to finals in five days too which was interesting. Unfortunately the billboards are only being used for a St. Louis, MO metro campaign though (not national). So if you're in St. Louis keep eye out and see if you can spot all five! Below are a few pics that have been sent back to me of them out "in the wild"...

Check out my other freelance illustration work over at Also check out my educational children's book series at, each book is full of easy science experiments for kids.
Mar 19, 2011
Birthcard for Casper
Mar 18, 2011
Batman 853rd Century Version
Penciled in Manga Studio EX 4. Inked with Kuretake brush pen on bristol board.
Dexter Samples 7 & 8
Mar 17, 2011
Charity Auction
My Art Block for Ghana painting below is now up on E-bay for open bidding. Please come and check it out and join the bid. The profit of this painting will be 100% donate to the PBP Foundation.

Yours Sincerely,
OCD#1 (obsessive compulsive doodle)
Ratfist Video
Wanted to post this yesterday along with the Ratfist image I did but it was taking to long to post on Youtube. But better late then never. This is a 7 minute first person view of me inking Ratfist with the Kuretake brush pen and later the Kolinsky brush. I really enjoy this method of digital pencils and traditional inks. It's practically the best of both worlds.

Mar 16, 2011
Seuss fanart!
Mar 15, 2011
Mar 14, 2011
Carlsberg Makeover

Illustration for Carlsberg Breweries showing the new and smart make-over they have given their beer bottles.
Acrylic on illustration board

Mar 13, 2011
5 for $10 at 10 - March 13th
There will be five (5) slots open each time; all cards will be $10 each plus $2.50 postage. You can request anything you like (comic, movie, video game characters) and you can reserve multiple slots. So far there are two (2) slots open for Saturday, March 19th and five (5) for March 20th.
If you're interested, email me at slatermark33(at)hotmail(dot)com, subject heading "5 for $10."
All the money made off these cards goes directly toward helping pay for my wedding - slated for August, 2012.
The artcast can be viewed here:
If you can't afford a card, kindly just pass the word along to anyone you think might be interested.
Mar 12, 2011
5 for $10 at 10
5 for $10 at 10
As of March 12th, 2011, I will be hosting a weekly (potentially bi-weekly) art cast on Ustream at 10pm EST (7pm PST). Hopefully I can keep it consistent on Saturday and/or Sunday nights. Check back on my blog or on my DA page for weekly updates.
The next show will be tomorrow night, March 13th, 2011 at 10pm EST (7pm PST)
- I will have 5 slots open each time and it will be first come first serve. You can reserve multiple slots.
- All cards will be $10 (+$2.50 for postage). Postage is free within Canada.
- As incentive, I will randomly draw the name of one the people I'm doing a card for during the show and they will get a FREE bonus card!
- People can choose their own subject for me to draw - be it a comic book, movie or tv character; historical figure, etc.
- Nothing too complicated: no incredible action poses, these will mostly just be head-shots but they will all be FULL COLOUR!
- The show can be viewed here: - just click on "Shows & Schedule"
All the money I raise from these shows will go directly towards helping me pay for my wedding which will be in August of 2012.
If you have any questions or would like to reserve yourself a slot in advance, email me at slatermark33(at)hotmail(dot)com. Subject heading "5 for $10".

Is Ophiuchus a new addition to the zodiac family? - An illustration
to the article describing the subject (ESS newspaper).
I have drawn two different versions of the picture: one with white
and the other with orange background. The orange is referring more
to the style of ancient Greek pottery. The picture with
white background was chosen to be most suitable one.
Which one would you prefer?