Apr 6, 2006

Apples and Oranges

Apples and Oranges 3

Apples and Oranges 2

Apples and Oranges 1

Some stills from a segment I did for a collaborative film. You can click on each image for a better, undistorted view.


Urban Barbarian said...

Jared, you talented man you!!!! Great work!

Ben Lane said...

Just as I was beginning to feel like a worthy artist...

Can't help but think this could be an editorial on the history of America OR an analogy of the reign of the third reich OR just a cute cartoon.

Elwood H. Smith said...

Jared, I LOVE them bears! Great claws. Delightful stuff.


Unknown said...

These are awesome!! love it!

Jared Chapman said...

Hey thanks everyone! The bear thanks you too. :D

Ward Jenkins said...

That bear has issues. Good thing his polar buddy sets him straight.

Great designs, Jared -- now stop making all of us look bad!