This week's theme: The 1950's
This week I challenge you to take a trip back in time to a simpler time, the 1950's. Poodle skirts and flat tops. Leave it To Beaver, Ozzie and Harriet and I Love Lucy! Post your illustrations based on the theme here during the course of the next week.
Be sure to label your illustrations with the appropriate labels as well. I prefer you label your entries with your name or screenname, and the challenge label, SFG: The 1950'sBy the way, I'm always looking for new and creative ideas for these challenges folks, so keep your ideas and suggestions coming in..
Remember, this is a completely voluntary challenge designed solely to stimulate creativity and promote participation. Please don't hesitate to post your other work as normal.One last thing, be sure to check out and get involved over at the all new
SFG Forum. Based on feedback from a large number of members, who stated that SFG needed a stronger sense of community, The new forum is the perfect outlet to build that community. It'll only work if
you get involved though!
The next challenge will begin Thursday, April 5th, 2007.
Challenge yourselves
SFG'ers and have a great week!